Interactive Displays GmbH is Germany's market leader in the field of large format touch solutions. We are a specialist and solution provider for interactive touch screens and touch sensors, regardless of the technology and the display manufacturer. We offer tailor-made interactive solutions in all sizes.
Brilliant, transparent and now also INTERACTIVE
Not too long ago, LG asked us to develop a touch for their new 55'' T-OLED. Now the time has come. May we present - miroled!
Miroled equips the transparent OLED with touch in three touch versions. Frameless thanks to optical bonding and with additional stability and security for the OLED.
Displax TILE
The slim 55-inch tiles expand our product range from now on. With Displax TILE, we can now also implement PCAP-based videowalls of any size. Thanks to the integrated touch, even without an extra sensor frame and protective glass. That’s not all ...
FlipSwitch rotation sensor
Small box, big impact. FlipSwitch changes the screen orientation of your display while it’s rotation. Its application is easy - just fix it on the display, connect it to the PC and start turning.
Rotating display stand
Mit unserem inhouse designten Calla-Ständer können Sie Ihr Display beliebig drehen und im Hoch- oder Querformat einrasten. Ein Lagesensor erkennt die Bildschirmrotation und passt den Inhalt an.
With our in-house designed Calla stand, you can rotate your display as you like and lock it in portrait or landscape position. The additional FlipSwitch sensor automatically detects the screen rotation and adjusts the screen content accordingly.
© Orsay GmbH
Shop window Touch
The fashion retailer Orsay tested its new store concept with a pop-up store in Berlin, where passers-by were able to control the displays in the shop window, through the window glass. They went for our individual sensor buttons, the StoreFrontControl Pads.
© Orsay GmbH